Sunday, November 30, 2008

homework from 11.30

-2 sisters you haven't done yet (free writing, character dossier)
-watch the ring
-write a climax scene (make copies and bring so we can read it aloud)
-any free writing you want (Leah = harry potter)
- one song
- one belonging

next mtg 12/13 at 5pm @ fordham (post by Thursday 12/11 at midnight)
workshop Jan 3rd 12-6-- barbara to check with eileen and work
- once we confirm date, Morgan to confirm actors


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Plot Summary

A stranger comes to town. His arrival threatens the sisterhood. The oldest and the youngest fall in love with Paris. The youngest is the victor. The oldest is overcome with envy. Paris, Bettine, and Clothilde conceive a child together. Clothilde communicates with the saint. The oldest kills the youngest. The saint is left for dead. Paris leaves. Ophile kills herself. Clothilde, alone for the first time, grieves for the deaths of 3 kin. Years pass. Clothilde hears the saint suddenly. The saint, Clothilde and Paris reunite. Amends are made for the past through Clothilde and Paris's union. Clothilde and Paris have a little girl. The ghosts find peace with the living. 

Ophile-free write

With being the oldest comes responsibility. Is it responsibility I want? I want to carry through with my desires. I don't want to have to take care of everyone else. Clothilde can watch for herself, but what about Bettine? Now that Paris has come she has no need for me. Does that make me useless to the world, or jealous that she has something I want? I definitely feel jealousy. Do I want Paris or am I angry that he has taken Bettine from me. The conflict within builds and I can't help but wonder what's going to come of all this. I have to act. I will do anything, say anything.... to stop them. it's for the best.

its too late.

what have i done?

i've lost everything.
oblivion spreads.

Ophile dossier

I suck at this....

Name: Ophile
Age: Oldest sister (still young seeming)
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Physical Characteristics: Long blue hair, pale, long fingers, slim
Other Characteristics: Jealous, coniving
Health: commits suicide because of remorse over past actions
Level of Education:
Societal/Familial Ties: 2 sisters, dead parents, Paris
Past History:
Values: herself, family
Language: acts rather than speaks.
Social Status:
Social Role:

Ophile is impulsive but not careless

because.... plot outline

*= a because statement that does not directly correlate to a previous action

because there is a storm there is lightening
because there is lightening the Old Lighthouse Keeper dies
because the Old Lighthouse Keeper dies the sisters send for his son
*because _____ the sisters experience bad luck
*because _____ Clothilde practices levitation
because he is sent for Paris comes
because Paris comes he courts Bettine
because Paris courts Bettine Ophile becomes jealous and ashamed
*because birds use pieces of her hair to build nests Clothilde suffers and hides her hair in jars
because Paris kisses Bettine Ophile is miserable and sorry
because Ophile is miserable she is cruel to Bettine
because Ophile is cruel to Bettine Paris intercedes
because Paris sleeps with Bettine she conceives a child
*because _____ Clothilde communes with her "to be" nephew
-*because she communes with her nephew Clothilde teaches him math, the names of things & what the future holds for him
because Ophile realizes Bettine is pregnant she is cruel to Bettine and confesses her love (to who?)
*because he loves Bettine Paris rebuffs her
because they hurt her Ophile kicks Paris and Bettine out
because Ophile kicks them out Paris and Bettine go to the city
because they hurt her Ophile throws a firecracker at a baby in front of Bettine & runs away
because Ophile runs away Bettine is framed
because Bettine is framed a mob kills her
-because a mob kills Bettine Ophile and Clothilde are horrified
because a mob kills Bettine her baby panics
because Bettine dies and the baby looks dead Ophile begs for foregiveness
because Paris is stricken with grief and madness he runs away to sea
*because she thinks the baby is dead his voice is gone forever from Clothilde's head
because _____ Ophile waits for Paris to return
because of what Ophile did, Bettine haunts Ophile
because of what she did Ophile's parents' ghosts haunt her and comfort Bettine
because Ophile is overwhelmed with remorse for what she's done to her sister she throws herself from the lighthouse and drowns
because of tragedy Clothilde lives sadly and alone for several years
because of her talent Clothilde hears a voice telling her it is not dead and to come to the city.
because she goes to the city Clothilde learns that the circus is in town and there is a performer who flys. angel or devil?
because she goes to the cirucus she sees the Amazing Flying Boy
because she sees him they are reunited and the Saint tells her his story
because they are reunited Clothilde continues to teach the Saint
because they are reunited Clothilde brings the Saint to the aquarium to meet Paris
because Paris thought his son was dead, he faints
because they are reunited Paris and the Saint return home with Clothilde
because they return home the sisters are reunited
because they return home Ophile and Bettine reunite with Paris
because _____ Paris and Clothilde share a life together

Friday, November 28, 2008


3 Incestuous Sisters

Place: An isolated mansion by the sea; Northeastern, North America; Nearest community is a small shipping-merchant "city". 

Time: Turn of the Twentieth Century as indicated by illustrations of period clothes, the absence of automobiles, and the popularity of traveling circuses and freak shows.

Themes: Sibling rivalry. Pervasive Incest. Imperceptible forces at work in life. Unrequited love. forgiveness.

Conflict: Individual sense of self vs. Identifying yourself as a part of a larger whole. The inability to share romantic love between sisters who share everything else.


Objective - Free herself of comparison to her sisters. Discover her individual self-worth.
Main Action - Assert her individuality and independence from the sisterhood.
Conflict - In order to find her self-worth she must sever bonds with her sisters.

Profile: The pretty sister. Love comes to her easily and predictably. People dismiss her as shallow because of her beauty and because there is already a "smart sister."

some formal thoughts...

By Audrey Niffenegger

Three sisters live in a big mansion by the sea. Their parents are dead, and they live by themselves reasonably happily. They live remotely, without much social contact with the outside world. The three sisters have talents, all complimentary in some ways, but incomplete without all 3. Ophile is the cleverest, Clothilde is the most talented and Bettine is the most beautiful. When Paris enters their lives after the death of his father the lighthouse keeper their differences come to a head…and their talents are their destruction (in the case of Ophile and Bettine), but also their salvation (in Clothilde’s case).

1) Character: List the 2 or 3 main characters and their main objective for the play.

Bettine—to fall in love and live happily ever after with Paris, to have it all
Ophile—to win Paris’ affections, to have it all
Clothilde—to preserve the balance between the 3 sisters, to be happy

2) Action analysis:

Inciting incident: The lighthouse keeper dies and so his son comes into the sisters’ lives.

Climatic story event: When Clothilde hears the voice of her nephew again and he tells her to come to the city…or, in our version, I think it could be the reunion scene between the two of them. We could discover they are related—maybe they don’t believe it—there could be more conflict there…

Clothilde and Paris are able to rebuild their lives, as one, this time, with Flying Green Boy and their new daughter (who also has special powers to see beyond) beside them. Bettine and Ophile begin to rebuild their afterlives as well, starting to forgive each other, with the lighthouse keeper watching over them.

Main action (see footnote):
Three sisters desperately cling to their transcendent bond and try to remain happy with just the status quo—them, together, alone in their house.

Main counter-action (ditto):
The outside world dazzles them and offers them joys and horrors that they could never experience inside their bubble…and they crave it—threatening to dismantle everything they know.

Main journey or progression (what essentially changes from beginning to end of the play):

From curiosity to understanding
From bitterness to love
From craving to satisfaction
From jealousy to forgiveness

3) Style and tone: Define the play’s style.

Audrey says it herself—“imagine a silent film made from Japanese prints, a melodrama of sibling rivalry, a silent opera that features women with very long hair and a flying green boy.”

I agree! I think the key words here are silent—it is such a quiet play, that says more with pictures and actions and music than with words. And opera/ is so heightened, so theatrical. I think it’s also very magical and dark—a twisted fable or morality play. More like a Grimm’s brother fairytale than an easy fairytale of today.

4) Main idea: articulate the play’s main idea in a sentence or two. This is a play about … three sisters taking the inevitable and necessary steps outside the boundaries of what they know—it tears them apart until they realize that they can find a balance between family and experience…between familial love and romantic love. That the bonds of family can never be erased, even as new ones form.

5) Interests: List 1 or 2 things that interest you about this play.

The aesthetic of the pictures
The moral questions it raises about loyalty, sisterhood, love…
The dark tone, the destruction and ultimate rebuilding
The magical tone—the powers the sisters have as a trinity
The archetypal parallels

6) Questions: List 1 or 2 questions you have about this play.

What is Clothilde’s reaction to Paris choosing Bettine? Is she jealous? Why the paranoia about the birds? Is that her own form of jealousy? A portent of things to come?

Whose child is the red haired girl at the end of the book? Clothilde and Paris? Or Clothilde and the green boy? (I hope it’s not the latter, that’s a little creepy…)

What was Ophile trying to do with the firecracker?

How is Clothilde and the birds linked to the conception of the green boy?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

clothilde dossier


25-30? At the start—50s at the end? Does she age? She doesn’t look like it…



mind reader, magic maker, care giver, peace talker, night floater

Economic Class:
middle class? Not really important in this world, it would seem

Religion, Values, Beliefs:
she believes in magic, in the power beyond, in voices only she knows, the power of the universe if only someone will listen to what it is saying—she believes in ghosts and spirits and has seen them—her parents, her sisters. She believes in love and in hope and in family. She is spiritual, she listens to the happenings of the world around her. She feels good and evil and it affects her physically.

2 sisters—Bettine and Ophile, she is the middle sister. The sensitive, soulful one. She had two parents, both are dead. She aquires a brother-in-law in Paris and then she ends up with him (I think?). She also has a nephew…”the saint”…that is the child of Bettine and Paris. She is very close to him, cosmically and literally.

Social Ties:
2 sisters, Paris, a man in a lighthouse, small voice, her relationship with her own psyche is very key in her survival…

Physical Description:
Tall, slight, red hair…she goes bald after the birds pull out her hair. Then her hair is magically back.

She seems physically healthy. Mental health-wise, she is paranoid about birds stealing her hair so she keeps it in jars. This is perhaps just a manifestation of her fear of losing Bettine and disrupting the balance she has worked so hard to create? I don’t think the telepathy is in her head or crazy, but I do want to ponder the birds and the hair pulling. And often, Clothilde is “in her own little world”…she retreats into herself. If this were realism, I guess she’d be looney…her though, I think it’s a special talent.

Hair in jars
Being Alone
Hair Brushing

Intelligence: Very smart, intuitive, perceives things with alarming accuracy

Level of Education: Not specified, she may have no formal education at all

Superobjective: to keep her family unified and balanced

Not/But: Clothilde is not just a woman who puts herself last in order to protect those she loves, but a woman who learns that in order to have happiness for herself AND for her family, she must discover that what she wants is also important and that self-sacrifice only leads to misery.


If I am quiet they will come.

Breathing into my every pore.


Lining my stomach with a sickness only I know. Covering me in scents. I gag. My hair on end.

And yet, to silence them
to silence them
to silence them
to silence them

I cannot.

If I being truthful, I do not want them. To dissapear. They are a part of me. Simmering. Whirring. Bubbles about to burst with heat.

Today they warm me. Brandy in my belly. Electric blanket on my skin. My throat burns with their taste.

I inhale the flavor up my nose and it stings, but I know what is coming.

I am the in between. The terminal between them and all else. The old the new. The median.

I drink thought through my fingers. I feel the pieces of the world as tiny pockets and I can push the particles aside. Push my way into the spaces and ease myself inside. The world is empty with little floating bits that I can move. Feeling the empty in between. My joy. My fear. To know as I do is to know you cannot fix what is to come.

I feel it grabbing at me. The pull, the split. The breaking of strands. The warm burn as my hair in unplugged. Snap snap snap I feel nothing

I cling to it
to nothing

The feeling. To know I FEEL as others do.


More tickle. More pull. More snap.

I am spread thin.

opposites etc

bald/ hair
death/ birth
ghost/ human
silence/ thunder
land/ sea
storm/ calm
Ophile/ Bettine
Crowd/ Alone
boy's birth/ Bettine's death
arriving (Paris' entrance into their world, the boy's birth) / leaving (Paris leaves, Bettine flees)
forgiveness/ jealousy
revenge (Ophile) / understanding (Clothilde)

conception/ hair pulling -- I think there is something here visually and dramaturgically, a parallel

black / blonde
together/ apart

communication, telepathy
magic, otherworldliness

revenge and forgiveness
obsolving of sin
the difference between familial love/ sexual love-- how they are the same and different
belief in magic, seeing beyond
freedom versus being trapped (also a parallel)

Friday, November 21, 2008

plot summary/ because strands

There were once 3 sisters Clothilde (red/ talent), Bettine (youngest/ blonde/ beautiful), and Ophile (blue/ oldest/ smartest). Who lived together in a house by the sea.

Because they lived together in a house by the sea, there are lots of storms.

Because there was a really bad storm, the lighthouse keeper is killed by lightening.

Because he was killed, the sisters contact his son.

Because they contact his son, he comes and they all fall in love with him.

Because they all fall in love with him, he must choose one.

Because he must chose one, he chooses Bettine.

Because he chooses Bettine, Ophile becomes wildly jealous and Clothilde retreats into her own world.

Because Ophile is wildly jealous, she tortures Bettine and because Clothilde is in her own world, she suffers alone (paranoid about birds?) .

Because Ophile tortures Bettine, Paris intervenes.

Because Paris intervenes, Bettine falls more in love with him, Ophile feels guilty and birds rip out Clothilde’s hair.

Because she is more in love with him, he asks her to marry him.

Because they are getting married, they decide to have a baby and Clothide starts to communicate with it and Ophile is enraged.

Because Ophile is enraged, Bettine is frightened and flees to the city.

Because she flees, Ophile pursues her and intends to blow her up with a firecracker. (not sure here…what is Ophile trying to do? Hurt Bettine? Get her in trouble? Hurt Paris?)

Because she intends to blow up Bettine, she ends up blowing up another child and Bettine is blamed.

Because Ophile blows up a child and blames Bettine, the villagers beat Bettine to death and the baby survives, unbeknownst to the others.

Because Bettine is dead and he thinks his son is too, Paris abandons the sisters and goes to the sea and Ophile kills herself (also because of the haunting).

Because Ophile kills herself, Clothide is alone.

Because Clothilde is alone she is able to hear that the baby is alive and gets in touch with him telepathetically.

Because she gets in touch with him, they are reunited.

Because they are reunited, she introduces him to his father.

Because she introduces him to his father, they all move in together to be a family.

Because they move in together to be a family, Clothilde and Paris fall in love.

Because they fall in love they live happily ever after.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First thoughts...

I like facelessness---they are all individual, yet we see them as one-- a combination of invisible and visible... focus more on the background here? Love the tone of the picture and the set...

flying green boy...

the storm as a character...the environment of the town and the sea and the mansion personified is useful, I think.

like the angles of the lighthouse--not so cartoony, but the color tones, etc

this is more what I picture it being in reality...

there is an awareness of theatricality---like Leah noted--that page where she says "curtain rises on a gathering storm"...we see the world like we see this globe. We are separate from it somehow. Don't know if that will be useful, or if that's only how we want to experience the book. Should a theatre piece be that way? Hmm...something for us to think about way further down the line when we've worked on the dramaturgy more.

lights for Barbara. A breaking through.

the way he is beautiful and grotesque. This is how I see the flying boy.

Ophile. Sexual, but brooding. Beautiful, powerful, vengeful, sorry, sad...

Ophile again...this is actually a picture called "unrequited love"-- the words on the dress-- she is alone and deseparate but I love her too, and see her beauty. She ignores the landscape around her, turning in.

the screaming, the gutteral rage and emotional claustrophobia even though we're in an open space. Again, like the light picture this feels like a breaking through...of emotion. Screaming in different ways, directions...

obvious. but cool.

loooove this one...they are trapped again...scarecrows...faceless

this explores the term "incestuous"'s not really sexual in the book, but there is definitely a sexual need that drives the sisters apart. Paris choosing Bettine incites a lot of the book. And the conception has deep ramifications on all 3 of them. What would 3 women do if they had never met a man but were fully developed sexually? Is what Leah was saying about Ophile being jealous of Bettine, not of Paris, something to consider? What was there relationship like BEFORE we meet them? Or am I just picking up on their deep spiritual, psychic connection?

the fates...

this might be my favorite. Just beautiful. The mythic tone, the darkness, the texture, the symbolism...I'm having a director orgasm.

The conception/ Clothilde's hair...weird parallel.

this is a much more threatening picture when you look closely.I love this one too. There is such violence between sisters.

Edward Gorey-- textures, feeling...I think ours is a little more character based, not scenic (like Barbara was saying at the meeting) but I like the aesthetic.

Another favorite. Greek tragedy-- this is archetypal like that, and the distinction between each mask, the contrast between the mask and the background. I think we might play around with these for real? Gorgeous.

More Edward Gorey
The fates again.

fighting over paris

Some of Audrey's other drawings...

Ophile. Hard core. Love this one.


Ophile pregant with guilt, Bettine and Ophile fused this idea...

This is called "the suicide"...fascinating, she looks so peaceful

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1st Post

So we can post here to discuss stuff!